Taz III. is recently born, on Sept 15th, 2018 and has a powerhouse of a pedigree. His sire 52Y (Taz) is a pureblood polled bull and has thrown lots of calves. His progeny totals 54 on the American side while in Australia his semen is used more extensively. In fact, two of Taz Jr’s half brothers sold for $63,000 in Sept in Australia and another this month- May 2018 for $48,000. They were both polled (Taz III is horned) and the money was in Australian dollars and not U.S. so it’s not like it’s real money – ha. The sire Taz is a real beefy animal and is son of Bar R’s famous Shigeshigetani 30T who was number 1 in ribeye and number 7 in marbling on the 2014 Wagyu sire summary. Taz III’s dam is Michu an extremely wide daughter of Kalanga Red Star. This top bull and dam should prove to have a fantastic bull in little Taz III.