Bar R Sanjirou 44K FB5056

CLV Ms Reb Star Michu FB16418
Fullblood Wagyu Embryos……….. FB5056 x FB16418……….$400. …….8 embryos available
More great grade number 1’s embryos from Registered Fullblood Wagyu. Any calves from these embryos can be registered with the American Wagyu Association as Fullblood Wagyu. The donor female is a young 3 yr old cow, a granddaughter of Michifuku and daughter of Kalanga Red Star. These are all conventional naturally fertilized in the womb embryos and not in vitro in a petri dish. The donor is CLV Ms Reb Star Michu FB16418 and she is half Red genetics. The sire is the fine black Bar R Sanjirou 44K who is a Fullblood all black genetics bull purchased by David Sheretz from Jerry Reeves of the Bar R ranch. David told me that Jerry said this was one of his finest bulls but, because he leased him out, data was not collected. The calves will be black since red is recessive. These embryos are 1/4 red genetics for the great growth and conformation plus the 3/4 black for large ribeyes and great marbling. The black gr. grandsire to these embryos was the largest foundation Wagyu bull, Itoshigefuji, at 2640 lbs and the two grandsires are the famous Sanjirou and Kalanga Red Star.
Both sire and dam are recessive free. The dam is VA on the SCD test and Sanjirou 44K is untested but his sire Sanjirou is AA on SCD.
To place an order or to inquire regarding any of the products on this site, please e-mail me at Dana@cloverbywagyu.com or you may call me directly at : (417) 683-9878.

Tapuwae 635 reg Red Devon

Timber Creek Crony reg Red Devon
Red Devon Embryos…….P-[USD]M22564 x P-[USD]F43829……..$350. ….13 embryos available
The impressive polled New Zealand Red Devon bull, Tapuwae 635 (P-[USD]M22564), is the sire to these embryos and the polled American Red Devon donor is Timber Creek Crony (P-[USD]F43829). Red Devons are reknown for their grass foraging ability especially anything with New Zealand genetics.
To place an order or to inquire regarding any of the products on this site, please e-mail me at Dana@cloverbywagyu.com or you may call me directly at : (417) 683-9878.