100% Wagyu



Non Wagyu

The top pic is Michu in the head gate and a ruler across her back. Often people comment that Wagyu are not well filled out as some other beef breeds as they are usually viewing them from the sides, but if you get up close and look over the top of them they are really impressive in their width. Which yields large steaks.
The above three pics of the steaks of 100% Wagyu, Holstein and half Wagyu half Holstein were from Japan and the animals had been grain fed. Notice the fine intramuscular fat (IMF/Marbling) found in the Wagyu. It is the best marbling breed in the world and look at the effect of a Wagyu bull's influence on the the crossbred. The steak is almost as good as far as the marbling indicates. Some say that if they would feed grain as long as Wagyu are fed they would have the same result, but usually this is not true as the fourth carcass pic shows that mostly the fat builds up on the exterior fat and not the IMF.
Wagyu bulls have an easy going temperament and are among the most gentle of breeds. This pays off in the feedlot with better performance, improved carcass merit, and reduced treatment costs.
Wagyu beef is arguably the best beef money can buy however, it takes a lot of time, effort and energy to produce. Whether it is 100% Wagyu, high percent Wagyu or Wagyu influenced beef, its greatest gift to the American beef herd for improving meat quality across all grades.
Through careful selection of genetics and feeding, a Wagyu producer can potentially present a product that for those red meat connoisseurs (be it a fine dining consumer, weekend BBQ fan, executive chef, restaurateur, café owner, caterer or purveyor), the benefits that this beef can offer, across all cuts and quality grade, is highly desirable.
To hear about Wagyu taste it is best to send you to info on the American Royale blind taste tests so check out this video: https://thebestbeefever.com/americas-best-steak-2016